Scholarly Journal of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care

ICV Value = 85.33

 ISSN: 2578-6377

Scholarly Journal of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care

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Table of Content: Volume 1, Issue 1

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Case Report Pages 33-35

Acute Flank Pain in the Emergency Room: Rare Case and Review of the Literature

Authors: Abdullah Osman Kocak, Fatma Cakmak and Ilker Akbas

Abstract: Wunderlich syndrome is defined as spontaneous renal hemorrhage. Generally, the kidney mass may be due to secondary causes such as vascular pathologies. Wunderlich syndrome is rarely idiopathic.

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Case Report Pages 31-32

Haemorrhage Control Following Massive Pelvic Bleeding

Authors: Peyman Bakhshayesh

Abstract: Massive pelvic bleeding has a high mortality rate. Several measures like pelvic vessel ligations, mechanical stabilization of disrupted pelvic ring, pelvic packing, and pelvic angiography and ongoing embolization.

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Original Article Pages 25-30

Inadequate Pediatric Procedural Pain Management in the Emergency Room: A Policy Analysis

Authors: April A Bice

Abstract: Within the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) are specific guidelines on advancing science related to patient pain outcomes. Invasive painful procedures are a common part of pediatric nursing.

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Case Report Pages 21-24

Noninfectious Subcutaneous Emphysema of the Upper Extremity-Case Report and Review of the Literature

Authors: Ido Stahl, Natalia Puchkow and Daniel Dreyfuss

Abstract: Subcutaneous emphysema, defined as gas or air within the subcutaneous tissues is a rare diagnosis which may be attributed to trauma or surgery, perforation of respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts, high-pressure injection injury and factitious disorders.

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Research Article Pages 15-20

Challenges of Treating Methamphetamine-Positive Patients

Authors: B Phillips, M Shahid, H Safa, J Wu, S Snyder, L Turco, E Hale, W Weber, J O'Connor and J A Asensio

Abstract: Methamphetamines are addictive stimulants that induce dopamine release, a sense of euphoria, and increased libido. The effects of methamphetamine in inhibiting control of cognitive behavior and increasing arousability are thought to augment the potential for violence.

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Case Report Pages 11-14

Dropped Gallstones: A Case of Persistent Right Flank Abscess Requiring Surgical Management

Authors: S Reiter, B French, S Holzmer, Bradley J Phillips and Ryan J Martinez

Abstract: Gallstone spillage is not an uncommon occurrence during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Once thought to be harmless, the consequences of dropped gallstones, including intra-abdominal abscess, are now recognized as a cause of significant morbidity. Additionally, patients with complications due to such an event may have delayed diagnosis due to remote, unusual presentation and failure of imaging to detect the gallstones. We report the case of a patient who presented with recurrent right flank abscesses.

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Case Report Pages 8-10

A Case Report and Literature Review of the de Garengeot Hernia

Authors: S Serio, L Turco, Z Hao and B Phillips

Abstract: Inguinal and femoral hernias are a common condition evaluated and managed by the general surgeon. The femoral hernia is less common of the two and carries a high risk of strangulation, mandating an urgent repair. An exceptionally rare finding is the vermiform appendix within the femoral hernia sac, known as a de Garengeot hernia. Herein we present a case and review of the etiology, incidence, and management of a de Garengeot hernia.

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Feeding Practices of Open Abdomen Patients: An Assessment of Energy Intake and Clinical Outcomes

Authors: Muhamad Elhusseini Hassan, Sameena Iqbal, Mostafa Alhaboubbi, Dan L Deckelbaum, Jeremy Grushka, Lyne Stlaurent, Eleanor Eckert, Tarek Razek, and Kosar A Khwaja

Abstract: The open abdomen (OA) procedure in the damage control setting has become more common. Optimizing nutritional support for OA patients continues to pose a challenge for surgeons. The objective of this study was to review current practices using the Penn State equation to determine if these critically ill patients were adequately fed.

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